Meditation is not meditation without interruptions. Meditation is to notice the interruptions and go back to your object of focus.

Nowadays, we continuously run from task to task, without paying attention to life, which passes us by. We let the present moment become past, while we focus on the future; but as Alan Watts says: “No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now“.

This is why it’s so important, especially today, to be aware of the now, which is the only time that there is.

And that’s where mindfulness comes in. Mindfulness means to pay attention without judgement in the here and now, even when it’s not our favourite place and time.

Mindfulness can help you manage difficult thoughts and also support you to live in peace and gratitude.

That’s why I believe that meditation and mindfulness is an integral part of coaching – and that’s why I use it in my practice.

For that reason, I have recorded some of my favourite guided meditations and visualisation for you to listen. You can find those along with a few podcasts on various topics at my InsightTimer profile.

…more resources will follow on this page, so stay tuned 🙂


Hi there,

Why don’t you write me a line about the change you want to bring in your life and I’ll come back to you to start the conversation.



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