In the previous week, I talked about the various reasons that we tend to procrastinate and one of those reasons is that people don’t know how and where to start. From this week, I will start providing you with some simple but effective ways to bypass this habit, to get things done, or else, to […]
Myself doesn’t let me or I don’t let myself?
Do you know the time that you want to act or behave in a certain way, yet somehow you don’t? Well, I do! In these moments, it feels as if someone is holding me back; has grasped me from my sleeve, stopping my whole being from taking the step, as if keeping me inside my […]
Obstacle or Excuse?
Yesterday, a client of mine kept on saying how difficult it is to find time for him amidst work, chores and kids. His goal is to run 2 times per week, so he becomes fitter. But, every single time that I ask him how the run was, he replies that he couldn’t go. He says […]
The “Yes, BUT…” game
The “game” is all about going to a friend for advice and after receiving the advice or suggestion, you always find an argument against it. It goes like this:friend: “Why don’t you…?“you: “Yes, but…“ I discovered, with the help of my coach, that I play this game quite often. The other thing I noticed is […]
Group Coaching Training
Just came back from London, after an amazing training on Group Coaching. The weather in London during the weekend was great, warm and sunny, and the training was even more sunny and definitely powerful – can’t wait to put all these into practice! Thanks to all the inspiring people that I met there 🙂
What connection do Pink Floyd have with coaching?
Sometimes, I feel an emptiness inside me, as if something is missing. Or as if something has expanded, and now there is a space that needs to be filled. Sometimes, I feel that I am too old, that my years have passed.“Where did my dreams go?“, I wonder. They used to be always with me, […]