What stops most of the people, is not their inability. Most of the times, it’s fear. It’s their fear of failure that holds them back from their greatness. But, what could be possible if we could not fail? What if we are the ones who decide what is failure or success? What if we decide […]
We don’t do what we know
It’s so easy nowadays to learn anything. Knowledge is free – just google it! For example, if we want to lose weight, we can search on the internet, find a system, and follow it. But why can’t we lose weight then? The system obviously works, it has worked for millions of people. But why doesn’t […]
Thinking about Time
We spend an enormous amount of time, thinking about how much time we don’t have! We, humans, have this amazing capacity of worrying about the time that we don’t have, even though our time may be plenty at the moment of our worry. How much time did you spend during your weekend thinking that Monday […]
Accept to Bring Change
We cannot change anything until we accept it. Carl Jung What usually holds us back is the fact that we don’t accept our situation; what has happened, what has been said, our (perceived) failure. Accepting is the first step to start moving to a new direction. Else, we keep on drawing circles around the same […]
Permanence and Lifeless
The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless. Alan Watts I have definitely experienced this myself! When I tend to become heavy, slow, lazy, not pursuing what is deep in my heart, I become lifeless, depressed. Have you noticed this yourself?
Obstacle or Excuse?
Usually, we find excuses for not doing the things that matter. And we bring these excuses as obstacles that prevent us. In my new podcast called Obstacle or Excuse (published a couple of days ago at InsightTimer), I share with you a powerful coaching question, that will bring clarity and help you unlock what is […]
Limiting Beliefs Interview
A few days ago, I was interviewed by Alice Southern on the topic of Overcoming Limiting Beliefs! We talked about limiting beliefs, how to overcome them and what to learn from them. The interview took place live on Facebook (Tuesday, the 4th of November) at the Introvert Library group – check it out 🙂https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheIntrovertLibrary/
Best Way To Predict Your Future
The best way to predict your future is to create it! And the first step to create anything is to be able to visualise it. So, remember often your dreams and break down your goals to realistic action steps. Basically, this is the job of a coach; to facilitate their clients to explore and discover […]
Double Bind game
Do you know the time when there is a quite stressful period at work and a friend tell you “Try to Relax“? I love this phrase! It is so contradictory, and the perfect example of a double bind, because try and relax obviously do not go together. And if you haven’t heard about it before, […]
Wheelchair Retirement
Nowadays, most of us strive our whole life for a Wheelchair Retirement. And what is it? It’s about retiring at 65, or more, and not having the energy or the motivation, that we have when we are younger. It’s living a life with unresolved passions and unfulfilled dreams now, only for a promised land in […]