Wheelchair Retirement


Nowadays, most of us strive our whole life for a Wheelchair Retirement. And what is it?

It’s about retiring at 65, or more, and not having the energy or the motivation, that we have when we are younger. It’s living a life with unresolved passions and unfulfilled dreams now, only for a promised land in the far and uncertain future.

It is working non-stop our single life for only having free time after retirement… where standing is tiring, walking seems difficult, and even breathing has its challenges.

Obviously, not everyone follows this exact mindset, but it’s so easy to get trapped in the modern way of living.

How many of us consume their weekdays’ energy in commuting and in an office, only to enjoy the weekend? How many of us spend 11 months of anxiety, stress and depression, only to be able to go on holidays for 1 month.

Instead of waiting till 65, or the next summer, or the weekend, what can you do today to pursue our passions?

What can you do today, to feel joy?

If you want to get out of this trap and live your life now, contact me and we will sort it out.

Wheelchair Retirement
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